Production Management through Automated Data Collection


On 16 September 2021, L-CLASS held a webinar on ‘Production Management through Automated Data Collection’.

Effective production management

Effective production management is unthinkable without real-time production data. It is the collection of up-to-date data that is a prerequisite for the correct planning of production orders, for the correct allocation of operations to machines and people and for ensuring production and dispatch times.

To be effective, automated data collection must reflect the specificities of different types of production. This specificity and the business strategy of the enterprise determine the choice of an appropriate technical solution. The solution determines the type of data to be collected, the technical means and the operating scenario.

The presenter Yosif Levy introduced the webinar participants to the production management structure and information flows for production management on the workshop. The specifics of management in non-discrete production and in process production were discussed.

Automated data collection

The participants got acquainted with the possibilities for automated data collection through controllers and terminals, with a machine information board and with a visualization of the status of the equipment. Obtaining the normative and actual performance in real-time, determing the efficiency of equipment and the efficiency of personnel was considered.

In addition Yosif Levy presented the differences between automated data collection in mechanical production engineering and in process production. The different statuses of the equipment in the production process were also demonstrated.

Yosif Levy introduced the audience to various projects of successful enterprises using real-time data collection to increase their efficiency.

The webinar was attended by representatives of enterprises from different sectors of the industry – production of machines, production of electric motors, generators and transformers, production of metal products, production of optical instruments, production of measuring and navigation devices, production of wires and cables, production of clothing, etc.

A recording of the webinar is posted on the L-CLASS  Yоu Tube channel.