TECHNOCLASS Cloud is L-CLASS service through which users use the capabilities of the TECHNOCLASS business management system in the cloud.

TECHNOCLASS Cloud is accessible from anywhere in the world via a web browser and an available internet connection. The system is housed in a dedicated data center providing multi-level information protection, security and higher performance.

TECHNOCLASS Cloud provides access to the capabilities of a high-end ERP system at an affordable price. No cost for hardware equipment and its maintenance, base and system software, licenses and continuous deployment! During exploitation of TECHNOCLASS in the cloud, companies pay only a subscription fee, depending on their individual needs and the dynamics of their business. L-CLASS makes sure that TECHNOCLASS Cloud users always have access to the latest up-to-date version of the system, provides a daily backup of their data and restore it from backup when needed.

Main Technoclass features in the cloud



The TECHNOCLASS Cloud system offers a wide range of tools for managing relationships with the business environment. Some of them – CRM Contractors, CRM Marketing and CRM Sales – are used to maintain data on actual and potential customers, suppliers, competitors and to plan and manage marketing and sales activities.

Others have a universal purpose – pricing, forming conditions for purchase and sale, inventory management taking into account the needs of production, supply management, purchasing and sales logistics


With TECHNOCLASS Cloud the structures of the products are managed and maintained: design, technological, production, etc. The system manages the design of engineering and group specifications, configuration of product performances, rationing of basic and auxiliary materials, workpiece parameters.

TECHNOCLASS Cloud manages the design process for splitting, routing technologies and operational technologies. The system manages modifications and the design process of the products.


With the use of TECHNOCLASS Cloud system, the processes of production management are automated – planning according to the MRP II standard, dispatching of planning and workshop orders, management of warehouses, material flows and the degree of utilization of production capacities, formation of workshop and factory cost of production.

TECHNOCLASS supports 18 different planning procedures depending on the chosen enterprise model and strategy.

The system has the means to control processes using Gantt charts – lead time / capacity utilization.



The functionality covers all business processes of maintenance and repair management of major production funds, including:

» Passport of main and auxiliary equipment, including identification of equipment units, maintenance information (structure, parameters, technical documentation) for the units;

» Description of the hierarchical structure of TRM objects;

» Design of the technological processes of TRM;

» Determine the planned cost of repairs;

» Creation and maintenance of payroll equipment defect and notices of required repairs;

» Scheduling of repairs based on inter-repair resource, equipment utilization plans and reports in production processes;

» Scheduling the supply of spare parts, materials and semi-finished products based on a calendar plan for technical service and repairs;

» Scheduling of subcontracted repair activities;

» Spare parts production planning;

» Management of planned repairs, condition repairs and emergency repairs;

» Dispatching of orders and job tasks for repair;

» Management of stores for materials, space parts, equipment and stock;

» Supply management of parts, tools, equipment, materials;

» Calculation of actual cost of repairs and comparison with planned cost;

» Manage TRM calls by automatically texting the equipment operator of the need for a visit and follow-up to ensure compliance with the regulatory response time;

» Analysis of the effectiveness of the enterprise’s activities in the area of equipment management.



Functionality includes:

• Input controls of materials and products;

• Operational control through measurement and control operations;

• Diagnostic control of advertised products;

• Compilation of reports and ABC analyses for waste;

• Management of quality control records.


This module covers the activities of defining events, immediate or delayed reactions to their occurrence: execution of procedures, sending messages via different communication channels to addressees from set lists, a combination of both options.


TECHNOCLASS Cloud  has the full functionality to manage both system and external documents. It supports the creation or entry of documents; registration/journal of documents: in process of reconciliation, reconciled, approved; support of documents edits; definition of reconciliation routes and deadlines; classification of documents; reconciliation of documents; e-mailing of messages and documents for reconciliation; archiving.


The effectiveness of the TECHNOCLASS Cloud system as s business management tool would be inconceivable without its complete financial and accounting system satisfying all the requirements of national and international accounting standards.

The system supports the classic accounting functions for customer, supplier, treasury, bank, inventory and fixed asset accounting. The advantage of the TECHNOCLASS Cloud system is the ability to maintain multiple chart of accounts, use central and local general ledgers, fully manage the cost of suppliers, semi-finished goods, finished and sold products by controlling direct and allocable costs, form profit centers and financial responsibility.


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