TECHNOCLASS is a complex integrated system designed for process management in companies with different organizational and territorial structure, subject of activity and volume of operations.

The TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system is a flexible, powerful and multifunctional business management tool that managers use to develop, implement and optimize their management strategy and tactics at different levels.

The TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system has been designed and is continuously developed using advanced technologies and tools to ensure reliability and security.

Functional scope



The TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system offers a wide range of tools for managing relationships with the business environment. Some of them – CRM Contractors, CRM Marketing and CRM Sales – are used to maintain data on actual and potential customers, suppliers, competitors and to plan and manage marketing and sales activities.

Others have a universal purpose – pricing, forming conditions for purchase and sale, inventory management taking into account the needs of production, supply management, purchasing and sales logistics.




The advantage of the TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system is the organic presence in the system of the tools required for production preparation: multivariate design which defines the structure of products, technologies in their diversity, definition and standardization of basic and auxiliary materials, tools and equipment, as well as labor standardization.

This direction includes the preparation and updating of technical documentation maintained under relevant standards or internal norms. The system offers two – operational and product-oriented technologies for working with individual tasks and provides integration with specialized CAD / CAM systems.





With the use of TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system, the processes of production management are automated – planning according to the MRP II standard, dispatching of planning and workshop orders, management of warehouses, material flows and the degree of utilization of production capacities, formation of workshop and factory cost of production.

TECHNOCLASS supports 18 different planning procedures depending on the chosen enterprise model and strategy.

The system has the means to control processes using Gantt charts – lead time / capacity utilization.






The TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system is one of the few systems combining ERP and MES capabilities. The main sequence of MES functions supported by the system includes the detailed planning according to the APS standard and the creation of job tasks for the execution of operations; the multi-criteria allocation of job tasks between contractors and machines, the optimization of the allocation of job tasks, control and quality management.

The system offers job tasks management using Gantt charts. To ensure the efficiency of the workshop production, it is essential to create shift and daily work programs for the workshop, crews, machines and transport services. Production processes and production capacity managed directly or through integration with specialized systems are not underestimated in the system.



The TECHNOCLASS system has the full functionality to manage both system and external documents. It supports the creation or entry of documents; registration/journal of documents: in process of reconciliation, reconciled, approved; support of documents edits; definition of reconciliation routes and deadlines; classification of documents; reconciliation of documents; e-mailing of messages and documents for reconciliation; archiving.





This module covers the activities of defining events, immediate or delayed reactions to their occurrence: execution of procedures, sending messages via different communication channels to addressees from set lists, a combination of both options.




TECHNOCLASS provides product quality management at every stage of the chain – supply, production, sales, after-sales service.

The system provides full traceability of the origin of each product and ensures the implementation of accepted procedures for the creation and processing of documents.





The effectiveness of the TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system as s business management tool would be inconceivable without its complete financial and accounting system satisfying all the requirements of national and international accounting standards.

The system supports the classic accounting functions for customer, supplier, treasury, bank, inventory and fixed asset accounting. The advantage of the TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system is the ability to maintain multiple chart of accounts, use central and local general ledgers, fully manage the cost of suppliers, semi-finished goods, finished and sold products by controlling direct and allocable costs, form profit centers and financial responsibility.




Budgeting in the TECHNOCLASS ERP & MES system is based on modeling a system of budgets as a set of interrelated operating budgets and working with this model.

The system supports the composition, structure, creation and reporting processes, and analysis of the company’s Master Budget. It consists of revenue, expense and financial result budget; investment budget; financial (cash) budget. The system also supports operating budgets for sales, production (with corresponding sub-budgets), fixed costs (with corresponding sub-budgets), purchases.

To ensure the use of current operational information in the budgeting process, the system maintains parallel parameters of workplaces, positions and processes required for planning. Thus, they can be changed for planning needs without interfering with operational management. Based on the overall company structure, the system maintains budgets by profit center and financial responsibility.


The following additional functions can be optionally added to the basic functional scope of TECHNOCLASS:

TECHNOCLASS Data Collection System

Production data acquisition system using terminals

TECHNOCLASS Repairs Management

Maintenance and repair management system in manufacturing and repair companies


Interactive management of production orders


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